Jeuveau™ in Jacksonville, FL

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What is Jeuveau?

Jeuveau, a new, FDA-approved injectable wrinkle relaxer, fights signs of aging. With a similar formula to Dysport and BOTOX, Jeuveau relaxes overworked facial muscles to smooth dynamic wrinkles, such as the frown lines that develop in the middle of your brows (also known as glabellar lines). Jeuveau is a highly effective aesthetic injection that helps our patients attain a more youthful, radiant appearance without surgery. Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Mary Pentel is proud to offer Jeuveau to patients in Jacksonville, FL. If time permits, your first Jeuveau treatment can be done right immediately following your consultation.

Is jeuveau right for me?

Jeuveau is a wonderful option for people who want a more youthful, smoother look because it can relax dynamic wrinkles, particularly the glabellar lines between your brows. In case you also have static wrinkles and lines, your treatment plan may combine Jeuveau with an injectable filler. Dr. Pentel will determine whether you're a good candidate for Jeuveau during your initial consultation, before crafting your personalized treatment plan.

how is jeuveau administered?

To determine your injection sites, Dr. Pentel or one of our skilled aestheticians will ask you to make several facial expressions. Jeuveau injections are quick and cause minimal discomfort; however, you can request local anesthesia to ease any mild pain. After we clean your skin, we'll skillfully and precisely inject Jeuveau into the facial muscles. We'll gently massage the treatment sites to evenly distribute the formula and achieve the best results possible. Once this is done, we'll apply a cold compress to the treated area a few moments to ease redness and swelling.

What happens after my treatment?

Once your treatment is complete, your injector will go over how to take care of your skin while the Jeuveau settles. We usually recommend that patients avoid touching their face or applying unnecessary pressure to the treated sites to avoid pressing the Jeuveau solution into unintended areas. You may have a little redness or inflammation at the injection sites, but this is normal and should fade in a day or two. Generally, it takes around one week to see the final results. Dr. Pentel suggests quarterly follow-up sessions to maintain those results.

stunning outcomes

When you want to stop seeing glabellar (frown) lines between your eyes that make you look sad, angry, or tired, make an appointment at Dermatology Southeast to find out about Jeuveau and other injectable wrinkle treatments. Dr. Pentel can develop a treatment program that addresses your dynamic wrinkles and results in a younger-looking appearance. Contact our office in Jacksonville, FL to schedule a consultation today.

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