Xtrac in Jacksonville, FL

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What is Xtrac?

The Xtrac laser delivers a highly concentrated, therapeutic beam of ultraviolet light to the targeted areas of the skin. The excimer laser works to reduce the appearance of psoriasis patches as well as skin depigmentation caused by vitiligo. The Xtrac is FDA approved and highly safe for both children and adults. Xtrac laser treatment can be performed 2 to 3 times per week, but the duration of your treatment time is based on the area being treated and the severity of your skin concerns. Patients tolerate the laser therapy very well, as there is minimal to no discomfort during the procedure.

Xtrac for Psoriasis

The Xtrac laser has a remarkable ability to clear skin of psoriasis patches. This may result in the elimination or drastic reduction of these red and scaly patches of skin on the body. It works to improve the appearance and symptoms of this skin disease as well as prolong the remission by attacking the overproduction of T-cells that cause skin plaques in psoriasis patients. Patients love the quick results that the Xtrac laser provides and its unrivaled precision and accuracy means that the laser only targets the affected lesions of skin while leaving the surrounding healthy tissues untouched. Xtrac can be used for a variety of psoriasis types, including plaque psoriasis and scalp psoriasis.

Xtrac for Vitiligo

Xtrac’s advanced and highly focused laser light can also treat vitiligo skin patches quickly and effectively. The laser stimulates repigmentation in the exact areas of skin that have been affected by the vitiligo skin condition. Xtrac can be used on any area of the body, but it is most effective on areas of lost pigment on the face and neck. Patients typically notice repigmentation within 6 to 12 treatments.

Benefits of Using Xtrac Laser to Improve Your Skin Condition

If you are tired of using messy creams or relying on daily skin care regimes to control your psoriasis or vitiligo, the Xtrac laser can be an excellent solution. It is not only safe and effective, but it can provide months of relief without causing discomfort. Patients are pleased to know that Xtrac laser treatment is also covered by most major insurance companies.